Buy to lets
On the property ladder.
We like ambitious, business-minded people. That’s why we help buy-to-let landlords with their business ventures, offering advice on tax reliefs and business structures.
A lot of landlords wonder whether they should incorporate as a business or continue to work as independent sole traders. Both of these have their own advantages and disadvantages, but with our help, we can discuss the structure that suits you.
Buy-to-let landlords are also able to claim expenses on a number of operational costs when it comes to the business. Knowing what can and cannot be claimed is important when it comes round to your annual tax returns.
You may be eligible for tax relief depending on how you rent out your properties. Furnished holiday homes, for example, have their own set of tax benefits.
It pays to have the help of an expert accounting firm by your side. We want to work closely with you to create a close working relationship, providing you support and advice every step of the way.
Our tax planning services will also come in useful when you are selling a property. We can advise you on capital gains tax and make sure any profit you make isn’t heavily affected by HMRC.

"These guys never drop a ball or even a number"
Crispin Jones
We won't leave the phone ringing. You can count on us to be there to answer any questions you may have. Give us a call.